Jag har grotesk träningsverk. Men det är skönt.
Jag ska nu lägga mig i min underbart sköna säng och läs Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen.
Min favourit trio. Hermione, Ron och Harry


SciFi Bokhandeln
Ska dit när jag har fått mina pengar
Hittade massa coola knappar och nyckelringar. Harry Potter-prylar m.m.
Hittade den här t-shirten också, melting...

Luna Lovegood
Proud Ravenclaw

Svenska B
Har precis gjort klart uppgiften i Svenska B. Den var intressant och lätt så det gick fort.
Så vad göra nu? Pottermore!!
Så vad göra nu? Pottermore!!

När jag kollade mina mail nu på morgonen så hade jag fått ett från Pottermore. Nya kapittel är klara!!! Happiest day ever, speciellt då jag har en skitvecka. En sån där vecka då jag är hemma från skolan och sedan får ångest för att jag är hemma. Men tröstar mig med att det inte är mycket jag missar ändå. Skit och piss på allt, förutom Pottermore som räddade min dag om inte hela veckan.
Man får ganska fina mail

Harry räddar min dag
Ligger halvdöd i sängen med feber och hela köret. Jag kan inte påstå att det är roligt att vara sjuk, jag har varit sjuk i tre veckor nu och jag är less på skiten! Haft en ganska bra dag i skolan tack vare mina vänner men fan va dåligt jag har mått, jag hatar att vara sjuk
Ligger redan i sängen och snart åker Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen fram. Harry potter funkar alltid när jag mår dåligt, min drog.


Sirius Blacks Stav

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
I love Sirius Black!
Min favoritperson i Harry Potter-Världen
Och det faktum att han dör i den boken jag just nu läser gör mig desperat.
Sirius please don´t die. Your to awesome, okey.
And I love your hair.
mind blow
[x] You are loud.
[ ] You like going to school to see your friends.
[x] You’ve had more than a couple detentions.
[x] You always have something to do on the weekends.
[x] You like to be the centre of attention.
[ ] You get above average grades in school.
[x] You’ve been called bossy before.
[x] You’re a bit of a daredevil/you like an adrenaline rush.
[x] You are athletic.
[x] You are one of the best players on your team.
[x] You would do anything for your loved ones.
[x] You like the colour red.
[x] Your favourite class is Transfiguration or DADA.
[ ] You would never break a promise.
[x] You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends.
[ ] You get average grades in school.
[ ] You’ve been called boring before.
[x] You don’t like to brag about your achievements.
[ ]You value honesty.
[x] You don’t mind working hard to get what you want.
[ ] You like the colour yellow.
[ ] You have a job.
[x] You are athletic.
[ ] You are a team player.
[x] You are in the middle of the social totem pole.
[ ] You are easily amused.
[x] You like helping others.
[ ] Your favourite class is Herbology or Divination.
[x] You like the music played on the radio best.
[x] You get good grades in school.
[x] You like to read.
[x] Dumb people annoy you.
[x] You are creative.
[x] You’ve been called a know-it-all before.
[x] You would say your intelligence level is higher than most.
[ ] You hate cheating on homework.
[ ] People often want you to help them with homework or projects.
[ ] You are more into the creative arts: theatre, dancing, drawing, etc.
[x] You are extremely logical in your way of thinking.
[ ] You are considered shy or quiet by people you don’t know.
[x] You like the colour blue.
[x] Your favourite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures.
[ ] You tend to over analyse things.
[ ]You can focus and pay attention well.
[x] You are very competitive
[x] You like the finer things in life.
[ ] You think welfare is a waste.
[x] You’ve made fun of someone in the past week.
[ ] You’ve been called a snob before.
[ ] You think the end justifies the means.
[x] You’re not afraid to say something to someone else’s face.
[x] You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you.
[x] You’ve made someone cry by just saying something to them.
[x] You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc.
[x] You are very good with words.
[x] Above all, you want to be successful in life.
[x] You like the colour green.
[x] You love to win.
[x] Your favourite class is Potions or DADA
[x] You are loud.
[ ] You like going to school to see your friends.
[x] You’ve had more than a couple detentions.
[x] You always have something to do on the weekends.
[x] You like to be the centre of attention.
[ ] You get above average grades in school.
[x] You’ve been called bossy before.
[x] You’re a bit of a daredevil/you like an adrenaline rush.
[x] You are athletic.
[x] You are one of the best players on your team.
[x] You would do anything for your loved ones.
[x] You like the colour red.
[x] Your favourite class is Transfiguration or DADA.
[ ] You would never break a promise.
[x] You have many acquaintances, but only a handful of good friends.
[ ] You get average grades in school.
[ ] You’ve been called boring before.
[x] You don’t like to brag about your achievements.
[ ]You value honesty.
[x] You don’t mind working hard to get what you want.
[ ] You like the colour yellow.
[ ] You have a job.
[x] You are athletic.
[ ] You are a team player.
[x] You are in the middle of the social totem pole.
[ ] You are easily amused.
[x] You like helping others.
[ ] Your favourite class is Herbology or Divination.
[x] You like the music played on the radio best.
[x] You get good grades in school.
[x] You like to read.
[x] Dumb people annoy you.
[x] You are creative.
[x] You’ve been called a know-it-all before.
[x] You would say your intelligence level is higher than most.
[ ] You hate cheating on homework.
[ ] People often want you to help them with homework or projects.
[ ] You are more into the creative arts: theatre, dancing, drawing, etc.
[x] You are extremely logical in your way of thinking.
[ ] You are considered shy or quiet by people you don’t know.
[x] You like the colour blue.
[x] Your favourite class is A History of Magic, Charms, or Care of Magical Creatures.
[ ] You tend to over analyse things.
[ ]You can focus and pay attention well.
[x] You are very competitive
[x] You like the finer things in life.
[ ] You think welfare is a waste.
[x] You’ve made fun of someone in the past week.
[ ] You’ve been called a snob before.
[ ] You think the end justifies the means.
[x] You’re not afraid to say something to someone else’s face.
[x] You tend to think people are a bit jealous of you.
[x] You’ve made someone cry by just saying something to them.
[x] You tend to root for the villains in movies, books, etc.
[x] You are very good with words.
[x] Above all, you want to be successful in life.
[x] You like the colour green.
[x] You love to win.
[x] Your favourite class is Potions or DADA